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About Parthena

My life

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I was born in Greece in 1971.  I grew up with my grandparents for the first years of my young life. With just one suitcase and the oft-cited ‘50 German marks’ in their luggage, my parents left their homeland shortly after I was born to give their young family a ‘better future’ in Germany. The small, sleepy village in the north of Greece where I spent the first four years of my young life still smells of grilled corn on the cob and dried thyme in my memories of my annual summer holidays. The largely carefree life I lead today is largely thanks to the hardships, sacrifices and hard work of my parents. I am infinitely grateful for this, and at the same time deeply saddened.

My parents also gave me one of the most important people in my life and my soul mate: my sister, seven years younger than me. It is her who made me the auntie to a wonderful little, wise boy with whom I am privileged to have a deep and special bond. Having no children of my own, he has become the center of my world, my heart and my free time - and the best life coach you could wish for!

My family and everything else that is close to my heart always come first for me. Sometimes, however, I wish my day had more than 24 hours. I would use this bonus (as a self-confessed bookworm with a penchant for scientific literature on the human psyche) to read and research even more. I would also use the extra time to write more often, get more involved with charitable organizations and practice Qigong more regularly. I would also devote more time to my longing for everything to do with the sea: When I travel, which I love to do, it's always to places where water flows, preferably cold and wild! Despite my Mediterranean genes, I am drawn to Scotland almost every year, sometimes even several times a year, for some mystical reason. This is where I recharge my batteries, where my soul is at home. This is where I see myself spending my twilight years in a Scottish cottage overlooking the wild, untouched beauty of the Outer Hebrides.


But until then, there's still a lot to do ...

My profession


In all the things that have changed in my life, both voluntarily and involuntarily, the profession of HR has been an unshakeable constant in my life since 1991. It testifies to the importance that everything ‘human’, everything that lies dormant beneath the surface and drives us and sometimes makes us despair, has for me.


After all these years and different rungs on the career ladder later, I know what I am most grateful for: It was and is the human connections, the friendships that have resulted, even if only for part of the way; it is my mission to put the ‘human’ in ‘human resources’ at the center, and to understand and validate the different needs of people. I firmly believe in the power of listening, the strength of vulnerability and the impact of sincere, empathetic communication. I am convinced that these qualities are the key to self-worth and togetherness in which everyone feels seen, heard and valued, both privately and professionally. How we treat ourselves and others shapes the way we make decisions, connect with others and go through life.

Throughout my career, I have been lucky enough to work with loyal and committed teams, inspiring people and leaders, as well as those who have often pushed me to my limits and made me doubt my career choice for a brief moment. I am eternally grateful to all of them. They are part of my ‘growth history’. The trust they placed in me to lead the company, my role and my teams through good and not so good times has brought me to where I am today. And this journey is hopefully far from over.

My calling


The reason why I am able to address you today as a freelance coach is due to a blessing in disguise that life and a former manager of mine gave me in a difficult situation. A professional conflict with a colleague that went on for a long time and didn't seem to resolve itself despite all my attempts made me question everything: My role, my life, my approach, my environment, my ‘why’ - some days even my concept of life and my identity. Out of this conflict, which threatened to escalate, I was offered the opportunity to be coached. And the coaching turned into the recommendation to start coach training myself, which I followed skeptically at first and then quickly with almost childlike curiosity. The result, or rather the beginning of this journey, is right in front of you!

Coaching has deepened and strengthened my view of the world, life and my understanding of why we do the things we do and why we feel the way we feel - both for others and for myself. It has shown me ways to get out of the savior or victim trap, both professionally and personally. Training as a professional coach according to the statutes of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and becoming an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) have set the wheels in motion in a meaningful growth journey for me. With each step, there is more for me to discover, learn and hopefully give.

With additional training, including in ‘Nonviolent Communication/NVS’ © according to Marshall B. Rosenberg and in Clean Space©, as well as new training in trauma-sensitive coaching, I sincerely hope that I can pass on the gift I have been given to all those who are struggling to find and consistently follow their path. My ultimate mission is to help them come a little closer to their true identity and their idea of a value-orientated life.

With my work as a coach, I want to contribute to a more human and understanding world, where we connect not only on the surface of our interactions, but in the depths. Both with ourselves and with others - one wonderful person at a time.

Are you ready? Then let's dive!

Sharing the Love

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